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MAKNA SEBUAH NAMA. Roda Malaka Bikes Tanjungpinang mengawali penjualan sepeda Polygon di tahun 2009, kami memilih satu nama dari istilah Perjalanan, Roda Malaka - yang berarti 'roda pengerak', karena Roda Malaka merasa nama tersebut mewakili karakter mereka yang dapat melintas diseluruh belahan dunia dengan satu tujuan yang sama.

KAMI PESEPEDA. Secara umum, tim penjual dan tim servis Roda Malaka Bikes adalah para pengendara sepeda. Pengetahuan mereka tentang sepeda dan komponen sepeda dikombinasikan dengan pengalaman yang hanya bisa didapatkan dari atas sepeda untuk mencipatakan pemahamanan yang mendalam untuk menjelaskan produk sepeda Polygon. Gairah tersebut yang selalu mengalir melalui semua orang di Roda Malaka Bikes Tanjungpinang. Kami selalu menginginkan Sepeda Polygon Anda menjadi sepeda terbaik yang pernah Anda gunakan. Inilah sesungguhnya tujuan hidup kami.

KAMI MENDUNIA. Saat ini, Roda Malaka Bikes Tanjungpinang telah dikenal luas di Pulau Bintan yang meliputi : Kota Tanjung Pinang dan Kabupaten Bintan. Roda Malaka Bikes akan terus melebarkan sayap ke kawasan lain di negara tetangga, seperti : Singapura dan Malaysia . Bagian kesuksesan ini sangat terkait dengan tim penjual dan servis kami secara global. Tim kami yang beragam dari para penjual dan tim mekanik yang berbasis di Kota Tanjung Pinang ini memastikan bahwa layanan kami selalu segar dan memiliki keterkaitan secara global. Selain itu tim mekanik kami juga selalu diundang sebagai Official Bike Mechanics di event-event nasional dan internasional. Produk Polygon dengan manufaktur kelas dunia ini telah menarik perhatian melalui para atlet kami, seperti Polygon Malaka Speed Team yang bertanding menggunakan Sepeda Polygon di Tour De Bintan, Bintan Triathlon, Ironman dan berbagai event yang berskala nasional dan internasional.

KAMI TEPERCAYA. Kami memiliki Showroom yang luas dan area Servis sendiri. Ini artinya kami terus mengontrol setiap kualitas pelayanan dari awal hingga ke pengiriman akhir. Mengapa semua itu menjadi hal yang penting? Karena kita tahu, setiap Sepeda Polygon adalah dibuat dengan kualitas tinggi, pelayanan yang mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan untuk kesempurnaan sebuah Sepeda. Sederhananya, kualitas adalah mutlak dan kami selalu berdiri dibelakang untuk semua yang kami buat.

For the past two decades we have been passionately creating bikes for customers to ride. Our bikes are meticulously designed by a team around the world and manufactured in world class manufacturing facilities in Indonesia. Polygon is a group of riders who just happen to be engineers, industrial designers, and creative thinkers based in North America, Europe, and Asia. We work hard to keep our designs fresh and authentic with the global market in mind. We control every step of the manufacturing process to ensure that all of the bikes are assembled to our high standard. Several competitors at the highest level of competition such as Mick Hannah, Tracey Hannah, Andrew Neethling, Jamie Nicoll, Fabien Cousinie, and Sam Reynolds have become believers in the effort we have put into design and manufacturing.
Polygon will never stop creating bikes that spark the imaginations of cyclists around the world. Whatever styles of riding you are passionate about or whatever goals you have as a rider; Polygon has a number of bikes to take you there. We dedicate our talents to develop, design, and manufacture a complete line up of bikes that you can put your trust in. Take the time to ride a Polygon to discover the improvement in our product. We are confident that you will enjoy the ride as much as we do!

Roda Malaka Bikes Tanjungpinang is a Polygon Authorized Dealer started selling Polygon Bikes at the year 2009. In general , the sales team and service team Roda Malaka Bikes is the cyclist . Their knowledge of bicycles and bicycle components combined with the experience that can only be obtained on a bicycle for the creation of a comprehension to describe the Polygon product . The passion that always flows through everyone in Roda Malaka Bikes Tanjungpinang. We always want the Polygon Bikes become the best bike you'll ever use.

Currently , Roda Malaka Bikes have been widely known in Bintan Island which include: Tanjung Pinang city and Bintan district. Roda Malaka Bikes will continue to expand to other regions in neighboring countries , such as Singapore and Malaysia . Part of this success is closely related to the sales team and our services globally. Our sales people and mechanics team based in Tanjung Pinang city, This ensures that our service is always fresh and has a global relevance . Besides the mechanical team we are always invited as Official Bike Mechanics in national and international events . Polygon products with world class manufacturing has attracted attention through our athletes , such as Polygon ​​Malaka Speed Team that competed using Polygon bikes in the Tour de Bintan, Bintan Triathlon, Ironman and various events are national and international. We had a spacious showroom and service area itself. This means that we continue to control every quality of service from the beginning to the final delivery . Why is it becoming important? Because we know, every Polygon Bicycles is made ​​with high quality, customer satisfaction service for the perfection of a Bicycle.

The quality is absolute and we are always standing behind for all that we have created.



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Polygon Roda Malaka Bikes: Tentang Kami
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Polygon Roda Malaka Bikes
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